
November 2011
When to draft an expert report is an area of disagreement amongst subrogation professionals, attorneys and experts. Typically the attorney will request that an expert wait to draft a report until discovery is complete and the deadline to designate testifying experts is on the horizon. Conversely, most adjusters ask for a report as soon as...
Over the last several years, the insurance industry has experienced significant losses due to wildfires. In many instances, the wildfires resulted from the carelessness of a camper, or the criminal conduct of an arsonist. Wildfires have also been caused by damaged power lines, or fallen utility poles. One other potential cause of large-scale wildfires involves...
In a recent opinion filed by the United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit in Liggon-Redding v. Sugarman, the Third Circuit decided that Pennsylvania Rule of Civil Procedure 1042.3, requiring the filing of a certificate of merit in malpractice cases, is substantive law that federal courts must apply under Erie v. Tompkins, 304...
A mobile crane collapse can cause devastating results in terms of production, property damage and personal injury. Despite the potential for significant costs, a mobile crane collapse can provide recovery opportunities depending upon the circumstances of the accident. The following is a summary of things to do and issues to consider to maximize your recovery...