This Women in Subro blog series highlights powerhouse women in the industry while discussing leadership, management, and success in subrogation. Lindsay Gohmann, Director of Recovery Services at Zurich North American, is not unlike the rest of us in that it is not clear whether Lindsay found subro or subro found her. But either way, it appears to be a great fit!
Lindsay seems to genuinely enjoy her work and appreciates the team she has around her. She sees subrogation through rose-colored glasses, and we agree with her approach. Here at Cozen, we are subro cheerleaders and fight the good fight- bringing in money for clients and helping the insureds find closure as well as their deductibles back. In our interview with Lindsay, it is our impression that subro may not be the only thing she sees through rose-colored glasses; she has an overall positive outlook on most things.
Lindsay is a Rambler, getting a degree in criminal justice with a minor in political science from Loyola University of Chicago. Childhood dreams of becoming a veterinarian, then college aspirations of pursuing the law turned to a position with Zurich 10 years ago.
Q: Do you have a fun subro story to share?
A: Every day is fun; claims are so unique –from exploding batteries to pipes bursting to pin punctures in million dollar paintings. I enjoy working with the recovery professionals to hear about all the different claims and the creative ways in which they worked to retain a recovery.
Q: What should be subrogation’s theme song?
A: The “show me the money” scene from Jerry Maguire
Q: What is the hardest part of your job?
A: Every day is filled with excitement about leading and various opportunities. I don’t focus on the hard parts. All I think about is recovery, which is maybe not on the front of everyone’s mind, but in subrogation, we have a different priority.
Q: What is the most rewarding or exciting part of your job?
A: Celebrating recovery successes with the team and empowering the team to do their best. A recovery by one recovery specialist is their personal win, but also a win for our team and the company. I would love a bell that rang “cha-ching” for each win. I also like to share our successes with the claims adjusters, customers, brokers, etc. and highlight the group effort that went into the win.
Q: How have you excelled in the industry?
A: Success comes from the team around you. Not one person can do it all and deliver everything; it takes a village and group effort. You, your skills and your commitment are not enough to be successful. You need a great team and to empower those around you.
Q: What is one of your greatest professional accomplishments?
A: I try every day to make a positive impact on the people around me and on my company. When I hear I helped someone grow or do better, that is a great accomplishment. I have been blessed to have mentors coach and guide me; I want to give back and do that for others.
Q: What makes a good leader?
A: Putting your team first, encouragement, empathy, trust, and understanding. A good leader lets the team lead their own way.
Q: Is diversity important to your team?
A: Yes, actively gathering diverse perspectives and showing support as allies make us a stronger team and company and a better place to work. At Zurich, we believe our future is brighter together because our voices are diverse, our behaviors are inclusive, our actions drive equity, and our people feel a sense of belonging.
Q: Are you usually the only female in the room?
A: Usually not. The gap is closing in many but not all areas. Although there’s more work to do in the industry, Zurich has made significant progress in and is committed to measurably improving workforce diversity, inclusion, equity and belonging.
Cozen O’Connor thanks Lindsay Gohmann for this interview and for being a true leader in subrogation, rose-colored glasses and all.
Stay tuned for the next post highlighting another prominent subro leader.