In this episode of Subro on the Go, regular co-hosts, David Brisco (San Diego) and Joe Rich (Miami) are joined by Jerry Nolan, Co-Director of National Subrogation Services (“NSS”), to discuss and celebrate NSS’s 25th Anniversary. The co-hosts and Jerry discuss the history of NSS, how the industry has changed and what NSS sees on...
It’s that time of year again and you’ve got to get your holiday movie queue in your streaming services ready to go for the next month. As subrogation professionals, we might love holiday movies, but we do not necessarily enjoy them the same way as everyone else. Our subrogation instincts often kick in when watching...
Location, location, location! The viability of a subrogation case will vary depending on the loss location. The combination of law and fact in one state can yield subrogation potential, whereas in another that mix can be detrimental. Each State has varying rules that impact subrogation potential, including statutes of limitations, comparative fault rules, and requirements for pursuing...
The viability of a subrogation case will vary depending on the loss location and the facts. The combination of law and fact in one state can yield subrogation potential, whereas in another that mix can be detrimental. Each of the States have varying rules that impact subrogation potential, including statutes of limitations, comparative fault, and...
Subrogation professionals who handle losses in multiple states know that the viability of a subrogation case will vary depending on the loss location. The facts of a particular incident may have subrogation potential in one state, but not in another, as each state has varying rules that impact subrogation potential, including statutes of repose, comparative...
On March 24, 2023, Florida reduced the Statute of Limitations for negligence claims from 4 years to 2 years for any negligence causes of action arising after the amendment went into effect on that date. Fla. Stat. § 95.11(4)(a); see also Florida House Bill 837, Negligence if often pled in tandem with or as...
Happy New Year to all of our fellow subrogation friends! Many of us use the start of the New Year to create personal New Year’s Resolutions. These resolutions are not limited to our personal lives. In this episode of Subro on the Go, regular co-hosts David Brisco and Joe Rich are joined by subrogation attorneys...
It’s that time of the year again! As the MLB World Series is underway, subrogation professionals are also gearing up for their own playoff run to reach their year-end goals, getting ready for end of the year mediations and looking to resolve those lingering pre-litigation cases with outstanding demands. In this episode, co-hosts Joe Rich...
What is the day to day practice of subrogation going to look like in 5-6 years, or better yet, 5-6 months? Artificial Intelligence (AI) is hitting the world by storm, with all industries working to determine the role AI will play. For the subrogation industry, technology has played an ever-increasing role over the last decade. ...
In the first quarter of 2023, the Florida Legislature made three major changes to the Statute of Limitations for negligence claims, comparative fault rules in negligence cases, and the Statute of Repose for improvements to real property. In this episode, David Brisco (San Diego) interviews his regular co-host, Joe Rich (Miami), and the Chair of...