One of the first things to do upon receipt of a new subrogation loss involving a product is to check to see if there are any recalls of that product. Ultimately, if your cause and origin investigator determines the product is the cause of the loss, the recall can greatly strengthen your subrogation case. It provides effective cross-examination of the...
Just like property damage claims, it is vital to hire the right experts and conduct a thorough and timely investigation. But unlike a typical property damage claim, with equine mortality claims it is often impractical and difficult to maintain the deceased horse for days or weeks to allow for all interested parties to retain experts and...
The Rules of the Road have changed, literally, with the bankruptcy filings of Chrysler and GM. Their restructurings have moved through the bankruptcy court at a dizzying pace. The sale of substantially all of Chrysler’s assets to Fiat was approved in June, and in mid-July, a judge approved the sale of GM’s most-valuable assets to a new company,...
From 2004 through 2006, the housing boom and rebuilding efforts necessitated by various hurricanes led to a shortage of construction materials. As a result, U.S. builders and suppliers imported significant amounts of Chinese drywall, estimated to be enough to construct approximately 100,000 homes. A number of putative class action complaints and approximately 100 other state...
Summer is upon us. Summertime means barbeques and thunderstorms, but it’s best to keep them separate. Most of us have gas-fed barbeque grills, but we know to keep them outside. With thunderstorms, come lightning. For an unfortunate few whose homes contain corrugated stainless steel gas tubing (CSST), lightning will strike at or near their homes and energize the gas...
The recent tragedy in Florida involving the sudden and untimely death of twenty-one polo ponies raises issues about equine subrogation possibilities. In that matter, a supplement is suspected in the death of polo horses. Because a horse cannot be “preserved” for inspection as with typical property losses, particular attention must be paid up front to...
This Blog/Web Site is made available by the lawyer or law firm publisher for educational purposes only as well as to give you general information and a general understanding of the law, not to provide specific legal advice. By using this blog site you understand that there is no attorney client relationship between you and...
The publishing lawyer and law firm values the privacy of its clients and Web/blog site viewers. Any of the following personal information that may be made available to the lawyer or firm when browsing or navigating the site shall be kept confidential: First and last name Company, home, postal or other physical address Other contact...
Cozen O’Connor’s subrogation and recovery attorneys handle more substantial property damage and other first-party subrogation claims than any other law firm in the United States, operating from our 24 offices situated strategically in major population centers across the country, as well as internationally in London and Toronto. These claims typically arise from casualties such as...
Click here to visit the Subrogation and Recovery section on the Cozen O’Connor web site. For more information about the BLOG or topics, please contact: Howard D. Maycon 800.563.1027 or use the form below. About The Author