
Ned E. Tolbert
The old joke in school used to be, “…the dog ate my homework.” Well, now, as a consequence of manufacturers moving toward more “green” ecologically fashionable products, the wiring in automobiles and common outdoor appliances is becoming feast food for rats, mice and vermin. The intention for utilizing “soy” based wiring coatings was to eliminate...
Property subrogation cases that proceed against developers and seller-builders of homes are suddenly apt to being diverted from judicially engaged litigation into the province of Judicial Reference pursuant to California Code of Civil Procedure Section 638. In essence, this Code section exercises to remove judicial litigation and substitute independent arbitration pursuant to a written agreement...
It is as commonplace and disconcerting as ordering specialty food at a fast food restaurant and receiving what they commonly serve. You don’t get what you want. In litigation, product manufacturers, builders and providers of products and ideas are seldom producing background information on those items and ideas without first requiring that the requesting party...
Mutual consent and court ordered mediation is becoming more prevalent as a means to resolve matters in conflict as litigation costs escalate and court calendars suffer from over-crowding, greater demand and budgetary constraints. While mediation is a valuable forum to access for all parties, there are specific areas which are often overlooked in preparing a matter...
Toyota’s unprecedented recall of some 8.1 million vehicles will impact consumers, businesses, and their insurance carriers all over the country.  Since 1999, an estimated 2,000 complaints of sudden unintended acceleration in Toyota and Lexus vehicles have been reported to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration ["NHTSA"].  On February 9, 2010, Toyota issued a global recall of...