
Sarah Killeen
A frequent question that arises with claims involving alleged defective products is what effect, if any, the age of the product has on recovery. It’s a common misconception that simply because a product is “old,” any claim for damages caused by it are barred. However, the extent to which there could be recovery for damages...
On Thursday, March 22, 2012, the Colorado State Forest Service initiated a controlled burn on property owned by the Denver Water Board and located in Jefferson County, Colorado. This 50 acre prescribed burn was part of an ongoing fuel management program in the Lower North Fork area pursuant to a service agreement between the Colorado...
One of the first things to do upon receipt of a new subrogation loss involving a product is to check to see if there are any recalls of that product.  Ultimately, if your cause and origin investigator determines the product is the cause of the loss, the recall can greatly strengthen your subrogation case.  It provides effective cross-examination of the...